Learn to throw at mango!

Wheel throwing is a skill that takes practice and patience. At mango in a pot, our goal is to facilitate wheel throwing lessons in a tranquil environment. The small class sizes allow for a more personal, guided experience and the focus on mindfulness allows for a relaxed nervous system, meaning you can learn much faster!

Our teachers are prepared to meet you where you’re at to help you build your skill set and reach your goals. Scroll down for the calendar with upcoming workshops!

Mango’s Teachers


  • Anna is a passionate potter and textile designer. Within the realm of ceramics, she is specialized in throwing lightweight and elegant pieces. Her lessons are hands-on, focused on setting up a toolbox of techniques which will allow you to explore throwing in your own way.

  • Anna teaches workshops on (most) Mondays and Tuesdays from 5:30-7pm! Anna’s classes are intimate, with a maximum of 3 people per lesson. You can choose to participate in a single lesson with Anna, or go for a commitment with a 3 or 6-lesson course. Please note that wheel throwing a completed piece takes a minimum of 2 sessions. If you want to walk away with your own work, a minimum commitment of 2 sessions is required.

Upcoming workshops.

Click on the workshop you’re interested in for more info/to book.